03-Apr-2007 - Betty's April Shows

Greetings Friends and Fans!

It's Spring - time to get out to some shows! Here's my April lineup so far:

Critics have been kind enough to mention my playing recently:

Peak performances - All eyes turned on Betty Widerski as she fiddled furiously and with unshakable energy for the local Celtic punk band The Gobshites. Her power at this recent St. Patrick’s Day festival in Boston, complemented by the banjo, mandolin and accordion around her - and the pint-chugging audience in front of her - made for the kind of Emerald Isle jam session that gets an Irish music novice hooked. - Kaitlin Keane, The Patriot Ledger (Quincy MA), March 15 2007

In other activities: I just finished some tracks for a forthcoming album with Big Amp Envy, will be heard in an upcoming episode of the Band In Boston Podcast Flophouse Sessions with Los Hijos Unicos (though not @ their April show due to a prior booking), am looking forward to some recording mid-month with {The Milling Gowns} (again not @ their April show due to a conflict - I need to learn to manipulate the space-time continuum better!), and may occasionally be found as a stealth ringer in the understaffed string sections of a local amateur symphony orchestra.

As always, double-check my website schedule or MySpace for last minute changes.

Hope to see you at a show!

7 gigs/12 sets ahead of last year's pace...